Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Unexpected Roadblock

After picturing my spheroids yesterday(April 4), I realized something was wrong. After presenting the photos to one of my supervisors, Ruben Munoz. He said that there was fibers from the pipette filters in my cell wells. Apparently, these fibers make the spheres unusable. So, I'll have to seed new spheres later. I've basically dug myself into a hole & now I have to dig myself out.

Monday, April 3, 2017

New Spheroids

My mentor, Pawan, is out of town for a conference in DC. So, the SeaHorse project may be delayed yet further. For Monday, which is when I'm writing this, I will be making a new set of spheroids. When he comes back, I should begin the SeaHorse with him. I practiced moving cell spheres into SeaHorse plates earlier, and from the looks of it, on all but one, I got it right. However, I would need to check with Pawan to make sure.